Saturday, January 18, 2014

REVIEW: Mary Kary Microdermabrasion Set

DISCLAIMER: Yes, I sell Mary Kay. No, the company did not pay me or ask me to write this post. My opinion is my own and has been developed from using the product!

With that aside, lets get down to business. For the last few months that I have been involved with Mary Kay, I have to say that this is one of my favorite products.

It is a two step process. First you have the REFINE and then the REPLENISH. The refine stage is the workhorse. It is what is going to smooth out your skin and give you the glowing appearance. It does take off a layer of skin which can be a lot on your face. The replenish step is what adds some nutrients back to the skin to recover from sloughing off all the dead skin cells.

And I am here to tell you that this product packs a punch. Mary Kay promises that the Microderm will "immediately fights fine lines, reduces the appearance of pores, and creates noticeably softer, smoother-feeling skin with a healthy, more radiant-looking glow." BOY! does it! I wish that I had a before and after photo to show you from when I started to use this product until now. It packs a punch in two small bottles. It doesn't take a lot of product at each use. Maybe about a quarter size of each and you can get about 34 treatments per set. Think about how much that will cost in the dermatologist's office?!?! and this bad boy is only $50!

I can't say enough that I love this product. Long before I even knew what Mary Kay was I was always searching for products to scrub my face. There is just something about using a product with crystals in it that makes your face feel clean. Cleanser is great and all, and definitely a must, but there is something about being able to feel the product at work! Your face will literally be squeaky clean!

And here is what you really want to know: does this product deliver its promise?? TOTALLY. Now, I am fairly young so I don't have a lot of fine lines to reduce but it certainly smooths out the skin. I can see a difference every time I use it. My face has a renewed appearance and really does have a glow. and my favorite part of this product: SMALLER PORES!!! I have some ginormous pores on my face and they are the bain of my existence but this products helps to keep them clean and lesson there size. In addition to its already long list of can do's, another reason I love this product is how it makes my makeup look. Because it is smoothing out the skin, it allows the foundation to apply in a more even fashion and helps the make up look more natural. Isnt that what we all want? To wear makeup but look like we arent??

If there is one product you need to add to your skin care routine, it is this one. If you are interested in trying some, please feel free to contact me here.

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